Fun Factory Battery+ Hybrid Charging Kit
This Hybrid Charging Kit offers an eco-friendly alternative to standard vibrates and works with works with all Fun Factory Battery + technology vibrators. The Battery + vibrators were designed to work both as a battery AND as a rechargeable vibe. When you use regular batteries, it’s a battery vibe. But once you insert the rechargeable batteries you are now able to recharge those batteries using the CLICK ‘N’ CHARGE USB charging cord – both included in this kit. Now you can make any vibrator in from the Battery + line into an environmentally-friendly rechargeable battery vibrator. Smart charging technology even distinguishes regular batteries from rechargeable batteries and offers 75 minutes of play on a single charge. The future!
Add this HYBRID KIT when buying any Battery + vibrator and turn your Fun Factory BATTERY+ Hybrid toy into a rechargeable vibrator at will!
Currently works with Darling Devil, Wicked Wings, Diva Dolphin, Mr Boss and Abby G.
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